... “mobile use overtake desktop”....
We are in line with the latest trends in the web design industry. Good websites nowadays have some significant differences from what was good in the past. Current trends include: a new navigation style (scroll first, click second), using microinteractions of elements on the page, parallax scrolling, fixed navbars, large visual headers, transparent buttons, hidden menus, etc.
poslovna industrijska grupacija sa sjedištem u Zagrebu
proizvodnja i prodaja soli
distribucija i veleprodaja boja ilakova
veleprodaja drvenih elemenata, materijala i pribora
Ušteda, korištenje i zaštita voda
stranica za prodaju brtvi na austrijskom i švicarskom tržištu
lanac trgovina za prodaju vrhunskih vrata, parketa, stepenica
linija sprejeva za njemačko tržište
arhitektonsko-projektantske usluge, Zagreb
nakladnik specijaliziran za lektirna izdanja
KOWLANATUR - Nature for Health
linija proizvoda za suzbijanje i liječenje alergija
GASKET d.o.o.
poduzeće za izradu i prodaju brtvi
Responsive web design sites are fluid, meaning the content moves freely across all screen resolutions and all devices. Both the grids and the images are fluid.
Responsive web design means higher rankings in Google search. Google started ranking mobile-friendly sites higher since April 21, 2015
Providing optimal user experience irrespective of whether you use a desktop computer, a smartphone, a tablet or a smart-TV.
Consistent user experience will have a positive impact on your conversion rates as people are familiar with navigation and site or system use across devices.
You have only one copy of your website. With a single update, you can simultaneously update every version of that website: mobile, tablet, and desktop versions.
More and more users are using their mobile devices to search and make purchases online. Recent surveys show that 85 percent of adults believe that a mobile site must be as good, if not better than, a desktop site.
Responsive web design (RWD) is an approach to web design aimed at crafting sites to provide an optimal viewing and interaction experience—easy reading and navigation with a minimum of resizing, panning, and scrolling—across a wide range of devices (from desktop computer monitors to mobile phones). A site designed with RWD adapts the layout to the viewing environment by using fluid, proportion-based grids, flexible images, and CSS3 media queries.
RWD is focused around providing an intuitive and gratifying experience for everyone. Desktop computer and cell phone users alike all benefit from responsive websites.
“a book composed in or converted to digital format for display on a computer screen or handheld device” (merriam-webster dictionary).
E-books are popular because they enable options similar to those of a paper book - readers can bookmark pages, make notes, highlight
passages, and save selected text. In addition to these familiar possibilities, eBook readers also include built-in dictionaries and alterable font sizes and styles.
We have created e-books for several publishing companies and books fairs.
Google, in no ambiguous terms, always clearly states that its recommended configuration of responsive design should be mandatory for websites.
Mobile searches have all but overtaken Web searches the world over and Google ranks URLs optimized for mobile higher as far as mobile searches are concerned.
No redirection time. The average time required by a mobile page to load is over 7 seconds, but Google mandates that load time be reduced ideally to 1 second.
Multimedia refers to content that uses a combination of different media forms, including a combination of text, audio, still images, animation, video, or interactive content forms. Multimedia presentations may be given live on stage, projected, transmitted, or played locally with a media player. Its uses are varied and can be used in to support various industries, for example: creative industries, for commercial uses, or entertainment and fine art; education, engineering; in mathematical or scientific research; medicine; document imaging, or to widen delivery options of information being presented for persons with disabilities. We have created a lot of presentations for the IT industry (as well as for medical, education, and beauty/self-care).